EU Programs
We would like to inform you that Glopack ( Limited Liability Company) is carrying out a project aimed at implementing the research and development results that led to designing an innovative product – eco-friendly stretch film equipped with security features and an innovative production technology. The project includes the implementation of investment outlays aimed at the purchase of necessary production infrastructure. As a result of the implementation of the planned project, the company will introduce product, process and non-technological innovation, as well as a permanent increase in employment at the Glopack Sp. z o.o. (LLC)
The value of the project is PLN 3,498,600.00,
including European Funds share: 1 995 000,00 PL
We would like to inform you that GLOPACK ( Limited Liability Company) is carrying out the investment project within the Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, Action 3.7: Increase the competitiveness of SMEs. The project entitled. “Launching the production and marketing of a specialized film that has been developed as a result of one’s own and commissioned research and development works.” The project includes the implementation of investment outlays aimed at the purchase of the necessary production infrastructure for the purpose of production diversification (introduction of a new product). This will contribute to the increase of the applicant’s competitiveness on the regional, national and international market. The project intends to apply modern ICT technologies and establish cooperation with a research unit so as to ensure an efficient start-up of the production process and its fast optimization. The Applicant’s new offer will be directed in particular to trade networks and transportation companies in the country and abroad.
The implementation of the proposed project will result, in particular, in the introduction of the product, process and non-technological innovation as well as a permanent increase of employment at the production plant.
PROJECT VALUE: 3 465 475, 80 PLN
CO-FINANCING: 1 972 222, 00 PLN
We would like to inform you that GLOPACK GLOPACK ( Limited Liability Company) carries out the investment project within the Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Province for the years 2014-2020. Action 5.1 Improvement of energy efficiency of companies.
The aim of the project entitled “THERMOMODERNIZATION OF THE PRODUCTION AND WAREHOUSE BUILDING OF GLOPACK SR Z O. O. The aim of the project * is to improve the energy efficiency of GLOPACK ( Limited Liability Company) and the use of renewable energy sources. The full implementation of the project will allow to reduce gas emissions causing the greenhouse effect. It will reduce acid emissions and PM 10 dust emission, as well as decrease emissions of substances conducive to tropospheric ozone creation. The company will also gain additional capacity to generate electricity by using a photovoltaic installation.
PROJECT VALUE: 1 133 906.19 PLN
CO-FINANCING: 599 218,70 PLN
In the period from 27.02.2012 to 30.04.2012 GLOPACK GLOPACK ( Limited Liability Company) carried out an investment project entitled “Diversification of GLOPACK Sp. z o.o. activities by implementing waste management services”. The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the company’s market position and increase its competitiveness by diversifying its current activities and improving the management process. Along with the completion of the investment, the company has introduced 2 new services: collection and storage of plastic waste; collection and storage of paper waste. The project was carried out under the Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for the years 2007 – 2013, Priority I “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, Action 1.2 “Investment subsidies for micro-enterprises”.